Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Parrots have a wide range of articulations. Wild parrots do not imitate. Only pets will mimic people and noises they hear. The African gray parrots are the best mimics.
Parrots have a direct, strong flight. Most species are perched or climbing tree canopies when not flying. Parrots use their bills for climbing. They grip the branches or other supports with their beaks. Parrots frequently walk with a rolling gait on the ground.
Come on – I’m challenging you to start thinking BIG from this day on. Ya see – we’re programmed to think that change takes a lot of time. Don’t say, “I’m going to start trying to be a little better” Say, “Starting today – I’M THE BEST! I’m going to be the best at everything I do.” Do you look around at friends and say things like, “I wish I could be as confident as him” - “I wish I could be as successful as her” - “I wish I was as outgoing as him”. Stop the wishing! Stop! You decide today that you are all these things. You decide today that these things aren’t a choice. You decide today that you’re going to do everything possible to make it happen!

To improve and develop their spelling children need to:
- develop an interest in words
- feel safe about trying new words
- not just words they're sure about
- learn about
- the way words are built up using syllables
- basic spelling patterns of English
- memorizing strategies
- the meanings of words
- prefixes and suffixes
- write for their own enjoyment
- without the fear that they will be criticized
- read for pleasure
Monday, December 13, 2010

I took a piece of paper
It was white…..
White – reflecting the purity
Deep within our hearts,
The heart of each and every Malaysian
In one corner, I drew a rectangle
And then, I coloured it blue
‘Cause blue symbolises dignity
And it was with dignity that Malaysia broke away
From the clutches of colonialism
Next, in the rectangle, I included a new moon
A crescent representing the National religion, Islam
And also to signify light and hope
Light for all Malaysians, whatever colour or creed
Hope that peace and harmony may forever prevail.
Beside the crescent is a star
A star with fourteen points
Representing the different states, their people
Converging in the middle
Reflecting the bond, the unity in our nation
The crescent and the star are coloured yellow
Yellow – the colour of royalty
Pledging my unfailing loyalty to King and country
The symbol of the sovereignty
of this my homeland, the land that I live in and love
Finally, I added the horizontal stripes
Again, fourteen – for the fourteen states
I painted seven of them red
And left the other seven white
Different, divergent but united we stand,
side by side.
Red is the colour of love
The love I have for my country
The love I have for my fellowmen
Together let us stand hand in hand
United and strong, as one people, one nation,
one Malaysia.
Norma the True Love
As I wake by your side,
My feelings for you I can not hide,
I touch your face in the morning light,
Being with you just feels so right
You make me feel like I'm a queen,
Like being inside an awesome dream,
Although this is real, that I know,
As the love that surrounds us continues to grow
I think of what the future holds...
Marriage, children, us growing old,
And as I lay, with you dear,
I'm just so glad you're mine, you're here.
- Jo Pye -

Of all the names in the world,
why did you have to call me that?
Recall the tale of a boy named Sue,
well now you done it to your cat.
I can understand when we first met,
I was little and pretty with lots of hair.
You thought, "Ah yes, we'll call him Fluffy."
But can't you see that wasn't fair?
you see it doesn't suit me much.
I'm the laughing stock of the alleys,
you know you should have called me Butch.
I know I'm not the only one
had this burden on them fall.
So please remember when you choose...
We don't all stay fluffy, cute and small!
Copyright: Joy Jones